China’s Timely Intervention To Push Brazil’s Economic Growth

China has agreed to set up a $20 billion joint fund with Brazil in order to improve Brazil’s infrastructure and production. According to the independent daily, BRICS Post, this agreement came about during a meeting between visiting Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang and Brazilian Vice President Michel Temer at Brasilia on June 27. Wang is in Brazil after his two-day (June 25-26) visit to Cuba. The agreement was one of the outcomes of the fourth meeting of the China-Brazil High-Level Coordination and Cooperation Committee (COSBAN).

In addition to reaching the agreement to launch the fund, Xinhua reported today, both Brazil and China have also agreed to list priority areas and specific projects in bilateral production capacity cooperation.

The Chinese commitment to Brazil came at an important moment for Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. President Rousseff is encountering increasingly strong attacks from within because of a color revolution launched by the British and their minions, whose intention is to topple the Rousseff government and pull Brazil out of the BRICS. To this end, they are making use of the slow growth of the economy and a reported corruption scandal involving Brazil’s energy giant, Petrobras. Wang has met with President Rousseff.

Last May, when Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited Brazil, he said that Chinese construction and steel companies were ready to help Brazil overhaul its infrastructure and reduce transport costs for the export of Brazilian commodities, reported the BRICS Post today.

Rousseff will be attending the 7th BRICS Summit in Russia in early July, but she will be in Washington beginning June 29 to meet with Obama and hold discussions about trade and other economics matters.

The BRICS Post reports that Obama will be stressing global warming and climate change in those meetings. Meanwhile, the nasty Lally Weymouth, senior executive editor of the Washington Post (and daughter of Katharine Graham), posted an interview with President Rousseff entitled, “Why Does Everyone in Brazil Hate Their President?” The title says everything about the spin of the article that stresses the economic downturn in Brazil, but the very stateswoman-like Rousseff answered with optimism and confidence about future economic growth for Brazil.

In 2013, Rousseff cancelled a U.S. visit in the aftermath of the NSA spying scandal, which she condemned in a fiery speech at the UN General Assembly in September 2013.

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