CIA IG Report: More Coverup of Saudi Role in 9/11

The Obama Administration, on Friday, June 12, released portions of a 2005, 400-page CIA Inspector General’s report on the Agency’s failures in the run-up to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, and once again, there is a clear cover-up of the evidence of Saudi involvement. The IG report was, according to Vice News, actually commissioned by the Joint Select Committee on the 9/11 attacks, chaired by Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.), as a follow-up to the original Congressional investigation. It has been kept under wraps for a decade, and has been issued now, with critical redactions, to answer the growing pressure for declassification of the 28 pages and the reopening of the investigation into the Saudi role in the jihadist terror. The IG report included a 30-page chapter dealing specifically with the allegations of Saudi complicity in 9/11, and like the Joint Inquiry, almost the entire chapter is blacked out, with the exception of several paragraphs that conclude that the CIA review “encountered no evidence” that the Saudi government “knowingly and wittingly supported” Al Qaeda.

However, the IG admitted that the CIA had no access to the FBI and Justice Department investigative findings.

“Many of the points of this finding relate to the FBI’s investigative efforts on the Saudi intelligence presence in the United States and of the Saudi officials’ contacts with terrorists in the country, and, as such, the [CIA’s] Office of Inspector General (OIG) 9/11 Review Team defers consideration of these to the Department of Justice and the FBI. The Team lacks access to the full range of investigative materials in FBI possession and is therefore unable to either concur or dissent on those points.”

The IG report did implicate the CIA in the cover-up, noting that “individuals in both the Near East Division and the Counterterrorist Center [redacted] told the [CIA’s 9/11 Review Team] they had not seen any reliable reporting confirming Saudi Government involvement with and financial support for terrorism prior to 9/11…”

Vice News notes that Sen. Graham has charged that the FBI engaged in a cover-up of the Saudi ties to the 9/11 terrorists. And now, courtesy of Barack Obama and John Brennan, the CIA has jumped into the cover-up.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) hosted a Capitol Hill press conference on June 2, 2015, at which he announced the introduction into the U.S. Senate of S.1471, the “Transparency for the Families of 9/11 Victims and Survivors Act of 2015,” to force the declassification of the 28 pages, which strongly implicate Saudi Arabia in the financing of global terror.

SEE “Declassify the 28 Pages”

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