Congress kowtows to globalists, moves to repeal labeling on meat products to keep Americans in the dark

‘As noted by the Washington Post and the Liberty Blitzkrieg web site, the House Agriculture Committee voted overwhelmingly (38-6) in recent days to repeal a “country of origin” law for beef, pork and poultry, just two days after the globalist World Trade Organization ruled against portions of the U.S. requirement.

The labels were required to inform customers where their meat came from, e.g. “born in Canada, raised and slaughtered in the United States,” or “born, raised and slaughtered in the United States.”

The WTO ruled that the U.S. labeling requirement put Canadian and Mexican livestock at a disadvantage. The global trade panel rejected a U.S. appeal following a similar WTO ruling last year, the Post noted..’

Read more: Congress kowtows to globalists, moves to repeal labeling on meat products to keep Americans in the dark

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