Coordinated terrorism by US-created ‘ISIS’ to frighten the world into docile acquiescence and deletion of freedom (by those you never see)

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‘Fears have emerged that the terror attacks in Kuwait, France and Tunisia may have been part of ISIS’s plans to mark the holy month of Ramadan with an unprecedented spate of violence ‘against the non-believers’.

The UN Security Council issued the attacks in ‘the strongest of terms’ but it remains likely that these trio of attacks may not be the last incidents of carnage during the holy month of Ramadan.

One year after ISIS announced its self-proclaimed caliphate, experts are already suggesting that the attacks, although geographically spread out, may have been linked as part of co-ordinated spate of violence.’

Read more: Coordinated terrorism by US-created ‘ISIS’ to frighten the world into docile acquiescence and deletion of freedom (by those you never see)

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