Forget Grexit, ‘Madame Frexit’ Says France Is Next: French Presidential Frontrunner Wants Out Of ‘Failed’ Euro


‘There has been some confusion why Germany and the Eurozone are so strict in negotiating with France and unwilling to concede even to the smallest of what they deem as outlandish Greek demands. The reason is not so much whether Spain or even Italy, both countries with soaring unemployment, a lost generation and a sweeping movement against “austerity”, follow with comparable demands should Europe concede to Tsipras, but France, where the frontrunner for the next president, the National Front’s Marine Le Pen, has just warned that not only is a Grexit inevitable, but that France would follow shortly.’

Read more: Forget Grexit, ‘Madame Frexit’ Says France Is Next: French Presidential Frontrunner Wants Out Of ‘Failed’ Euro

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