Further Documentation on Schellnhuber Continues To Emerge

The author who sold the encyclical Laudato Si’ to Pope Francis is a Satanist working for the British Royal Family, Hans Joachim “John” Schellnhuber of Oxford. Schellnhuber is the German head of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research—knighted by the Queen in 2004 for his efforts on population control—who was brought in by the Vatican to lead in drafting the document. Another voice spoke out against the Satanic personage views of Schellnhuber, last Friday. First appearing on the “Voice of the Family” blog—”an initiative of Catholic laity formed in support of the synod on the family 2014-2015″—on June 26, it was re-posted on the Canadian, inter-denominational, and pro-family “Lifesite,” Monday morning.

After quoting Schellnhuber bragging to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of all the “hard work” it took to make sure the document would “present clearly the current state of research concerning climate issues” — meaning, to come down firmly in support of the anti-population-growth program of the Queen’s environmentalists — they dig into the shadowy background of this view, and unearth Satanhuber’s writings on, the “Gaia principle.”

Schellnhuber, they write, “is also associated with the controversial ‘Gaia principle.’ The ‘Gaia principle’ proposes that both living and non-living beings on Earth interact to form a self-regulating system that contributes to maintaining the conditions for life on the planet. This system is considered to be a living being in its own right, with even some degree of consciousness.” In 1999, Schellnhuber spoke of, “unravelling the mysteries of the Earth’s physique,” or “Gaia’s body,” in a article in Nature, titled “`Earth System’ Analysis and the Second Copernican Revolution.”

“Gaia theory is often associated with a hostile attitude towards human activity, which is considered a perpetual threat to the earth’s ecosystem.” Quoting from another article in Nature, this one co-authored by Schellnhuber in 2004, titled, “Climbing the Co-evolution Ladder,” they say he, “seems to extend this hostile attitude even to ‘the first organisms’ which ‘would have drained the environment of energetically and structurally useful compounds and replaced them with degraded waste products,’ and eventually even to human beings.” This concept of entwined evolution, they say, “leads the authors to adopt a depressing view of the future.”

Schellnhuber’s told the 2009 Copenhagen Conference on the Environment that Earth’s “carrying capacity” for the human species was scientifically agreed to be “below 1 billion.” In a recorded speech from 2008, the Satanist said, (translating from the German), “The Earth likely will be populated by at least 9 billion people by 2050. You have to imagine that these people will reach an average level of consumption that Portugal has, one of the poorer countries in Europe. When you imagine that if all these 9 billion people claim all these resources, then the Earth will explode.” The short clip, from Germany’s Phoenix TV, then targets the nations with the largest population growth: China and India.

The “Lifesite” posting closes by noting that, “Given Schellnhuber’s views on the ‘population problem’ and his membership of the Club of Rome, many Catholics are understandably seriously concerned by his appointment to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and his participation in the preparation and launch of the encyclical letter Laudato Si’.”  

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