Good Thing She Sleeps With a 9mm Glock

Two women, both armed with handguns, fought back during two separate attacks in Detroit last week.

One woman was targeted for a carjacking and the other was the victim of a home invasion when five men broke into her house, and while all of the suspects walked away empty-handed, at least one also walked away with a gunshot wound.

Dietta Gueye was asleep around 2:30 a.m. on June 9 when she heard tapping on a window, followed by the sound of glass shattering. She said the five men, two of who were armed, avoided the back side of the house where her dogs were kept, but unscrewed the porch light and gained access through a window on the front side of the house instead.

However, the suspects were unaware that Gueye had been the victim of a burglary three years ago and now sleeps with a Glock 9mm.

“Imagine being woke up out of your sleep with somebody with a gun in your face,” Gueye told a local Fox affiliate. “My first reaction was survival. My first thought was shoot.”

She grabbed her Glock and initially waited, stood still with her gun in hand and the bedroom door open, but when she saw the suspects, she opened fire. The gunshots sent the suspects fleeing from her home, but one returned fire, striking Gueye in the thigh. She said the bullet went straight in and out, and other than being a little sore, she now feels just fine.

Diane Swift, Gueye’s mother, said she’s both proud of her daughter and thankful that she wasn’t hurt worse.

“She got injured, but we can patch that up,” she said.

Gueye told The Detroit News that once something like this happens, you continue to have it in the back of your mind that they may come back. She said she hopes they’ll think twice before returning, but if they don’t, she’ll be ready for them.

“It’s terrible people have to live like that; violated in their own homes,” Swift added. “That’s scary. We’re dealing with a different species of people out here.”

Nonetheless, Gueye is just glad she was able to defend herself.

“If I didn’t have that gun, who knows what would’ve happened? Torture, beating,” she said. “There were five of them.”

Police indicated that they believed one of the suspects may have been hit because there were no bullets from Gueye’s gun found at the scene, but the suspects have not been located at this time.

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