Government Will Break Your Legs

Recently Peter Schiff visited Mike Maloney in California. During his stay they filmed nearly 3 hours of discussions about gold, silver, freedom, and the economy in general. Over the next few weeks we’ll be publishing a series of these videos to our YouTube channel so make sure you are subscribed as this analysis is not to be missed. In this second installment, Mike and Peter discuss the ever increasing size of government and the inefficiencies, distortions, and dangers that this presents.Hidden Secrets Of Money is a world-leading educational series that is sponsored by, and also based on the priciples of WealthCycles. It shows the evolution of gold and silver as money, and teaches the historical economic mistakes that all societies repeat. The first series (Episodes 1-5) features bonus content that is available completely free of charge at From Season 2 onwards, all bonus content is reserved exclusively for members of We would like to thank everyone for their support of this series, and also for the loyalty shown to our sister company We look forward to the continued success of this series and encouraging people to take control of their own financial future.

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