Greek Banks and Stock Market Shuttered – The End Of The Monetary System 2015?

And so it begins …

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has announced that all banks and the stock market will be shuttered on Monday after panic gripped the country.

The Greek Financial “Stability” Council have recommended that the banks stay shut for a total of six days. This is all in prelude to a Greek referendum on bail out terms.

Adding to the the hysteria, capital controls  have been rolled out with a 60-euro limit on cash withdrawals from cash machines per day. The ATMs will reopen on Tuesday.  According to Reuters, capital controls are likely to last for many months at least.

The euro was trading sharply weaker ahead of the Monday market open for Asia, shedding 2 full US cents.


Interesting times.  The major international financial repercussions are unclear in today’s globally connected economy but this is surely a milestone… The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It (TEOTMSAWKI).

For Greece itself, this is an unmitigated disaster.

Greek unemployment was already over 25% prior to this financial calamity and will surely skyrocket as the economy comes to a screeching halt this week.

It’s a high-stakes game that, as I said yesterday, will result in either a bail-out of Greece by the EU (or, possibly, Russia) or in a Greek default, reinstitution of the Drachma and withdrawal from the EU.

I am still leaning towards believing there will be some sort of bailout as having Greece withdraw from the euro and even the EU would be a stunning defeat for this one-world government plan of which the EU is so integral. Already there is concern in the West that Greece will gradually drift into Russia’s sphere of influence.  Greece has cultural ties with Russia much more than countries like Germany so that could also play into it.

A bail-out, of course, solves nothing but just adds on more debt to the pile. It results in more money printing, which eventually results in a complete financial system collapse or a hyperinflationary monetary collapse.

There is no good way out of this.  And surely this is just the beginning.  What is happening in Greece will happen in Italy.  It will happen in Spain.  And it will happen throughout Europe, Japan and the US.

Eventually there will be no one left to bail anyone out and TEOTMSAWKI will be complete.

Even the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), in their just-released annual report said the exact same thing: “The world will be unable to fight the next global financial crash as central banks have used up their ammunition trying to tackle the last crises.”

Shockingly gold, silver and bitcoin have barely moved on this news.  That won’t last much longer. Eventually the global public will awaken to realize TEOTMSAWKI is real and what is happening in Greece will soon come to a country near you.

For most it will already be too late as precious metals will already have risen dramatically as people become increasingly distrustful of fiat government paper. Unfortunately, too many will wait until their newspaper tells them a crisis is happening. They will rush to their ATMs and find … nothing.

The government, the media and even most financial advisors won’t know or won’t tell you until it is too late.

Take this opportunity to educate yourself on what is really going on and learn how to not only survive, but thrive, through what is going to be the biggest economic, monetary and financial collapse in human history.  Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante to get the real information and analysis on what is going on and learn how to survive and prosper through TEOTMSAWKI.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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