Greek People Demand Their Own Destruction — Paul Craig Roberts

Greek People Demand Their Own Destruction

Paul Craig Roberts

Some years ago Thomas Frank wrote a book, What’s the Matter with Kansas. The book is about how brainwashed Americans vote against their own economic and political interests.

The utter stupidity of populations makes them helpless at the hands of the rapacious. Today Thomas Frank could ask the same question about the brainwashed Greek population. On June 22, RT reported a huge rally of Greeks in Athens waiving the EU flag and demanding that their government sell them out to the troika.

The Greeks are so determined to be included in “Europe” that they are willing to be driven economically into the ground and to cease to exist as a sovereign state as the price of being in the EU. The idiots who participated in this “rally for Europe” have made it difficult, if not impossible, for the Greek government to soften the austerity that is being imposed by the One Percent on the Greek people.

Among Western people, the Greeks have experienced the heartlessness and greed of the One Percent more severely than any other Western people. Yet, the Greeks accept their mistreatment as the price of being European.

It is a wonder that Alexis Tsipras hasn’t resigned and damned the idiot population to hell.

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