Hong Kong missing the boat to Bitcoin riches!


The Second Coming
Bitcoin is the greatest technological advancement since the Internet. As an entrepreneur, there have been only two moments in my life when I saw something that has the potential to transform our world. First was the Internet, the second is Bitcoin. Hong Kong missed out on the Internet revolution and is lagging behind in the current Mobile revolution. Local startups are failing to make a name globally, while startups from Silicon Valley (Facebook) and even tiny Luxembourg (Skype) dominate. Hong Kong is yet to produce a Billion Dollar Unicorn startup while tech hubs in Asia such as Seoul and Shenzhen already have several to boast of.

Bitcoin and the Blockchain present Hong Kong with a second chance to make things right and become the innovation hub for FinTech & Startups — a dream the Government has been imagining since long time ago. The most promising applications of this new technology have yet been built. This presents Hong Kong with a golden opportunity to create a favorable environment for local entrepreneurs, allowing them to develop an ecosystem which can create the first Killer Apps, in turn attracting international investors and creating jobs in rewarding careers.

Simon Dixon, founder of BNK To The Future, an equity crowdfunding platform, recently raised over HK$12 million on the platform for his venture capital firm Bitcoin Capital. It is to be headquartered in Hong Kong to invest in the most promising local Bitcoin & Blockchain startups. When asked why he chose Hong Kong when his current company is based in London, he says he is confident about Hong Kong and believes it will learn from other countries and adopt regulations to gain a competitive edge on a global level.

Read the full article at Harbour Times where StartCOIN, Bitcoin Capital & Max Keiser are featured.


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