How Edmund de Rothschild Managed to Let 179 Governments Pay Him for Grasping Up to 30% of The Earth

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‘After Edmund de Rothschild’s statement, totally without basis, at the 4th World Wilderness Congress in 1987, that CO2 is the cause of (a non-existent) global warming and that combating it needs money (our money), he founded the World Conservation Bank for this spurious reason.

In 1991 its name was changed to The Global Environment Facility (GEF).

The purpose of the Facility is to lend money to the poorest countries, ‘money’ printed by the IMF out of thin air and guaranteed by our governments.

The Facility seeks wilderness areas rich in minerals as security. The idea is that GEF money then flows back to reimburse our governments for loans. I.e., we give away our tax money. For what? When a country cannot repay loans to the GEF it must give up a piece of its territory to the Rothschild banks (GEF, IMF, World Bank).

The total amount of land involved can be as much as 30% of the Earth’s surface.’

Read more: How Edmund de Rothschild Managed to Let 179 Governments Pay Him for Grasping Up to 30% of The Earth

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