How shroud-waving police are sitting on £1.85billion of cash: Forces have boosted coffers by a third over past five years – while complaining bitterly about cuts

‘Police are sitting on £1.85billion of public money – while complaining bitterly about ‘cuts’.

Forces even managed to boost their reserves by more than a third over the past five years of ‘austerity’, watchdogs found.

The extraordinary treasure chest has emerged despite forces axing 16,659 officers and doom mongering about reduced services and fewer bobbies on the beat.

Whitehall’s spending watchdog, the National Audit Office, was told police had been hoarding the money in anticipation of further cuts to come.’

Read more: How shroud-waving police are sitting on £1.85billion of cash: Forces have boosted coffers by a third over past five years – while complaining bitterly about cuts

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