India: Environmental Damage Caused by Western Pharmaceutical Companies

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‘Earlier concern about the activities of India’s pharmaceutical industry is now being directed to Western companies whose suppliers are polluting water in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

Investors are increasingly concerned about the rising number of suspensions, investigations and warnings that pharmaceutical companies are receiving from the US and European authorities.

In 2009, the pollution control board of Andhra Pradesh asked SMS Pharmaceuticals Ltd to shut the Patancheru plant after protests by local activists. The shutdown followed the announcement by the Prime Minister’s Office of a probe into the results of a Swedish study that found supposedly treated waste water in the area (right) contained a cocktail of 21 different active pharmaceutical ingredients. The extremely high levels of pharmaceuticals were found in the treated waste water at a plant where about 90 drug factories dump their residues in Patancheru.’

Read more: India: Environmental Damage Caused by Western Pharmaceutical Companies

The post India: Environmental Damage Caused by Western Pharmaceutical Companies appeared first on David Icke.

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