LaRouche: We Are Now Faced with the Threat of a Terminal War

“We are now faced with the threat of a terminal war, that is a war that would be terminal for the human species,” Lyndon LaRouche stated in discussion this afternoon with the LaRouche PAC National Policy Committee.

“If Obama remains in power during the onset of the Fourth of July, a general world war will be oncoming actually soon. That’s what we’re faced with. And people think about different areas, different problems, different policies. They have to realize that there is a global policy, a unified global policy, which has to be recognized. There may be local events, but the real events which are important are the ones which are the threat of the extinction of the human species.

“And what is happening in this process, under Obama–if Obama is not removed soon, the implication is that, within a month or so, or something like that, events are going to tumble in, and we are going to have a thermonuclear, global war. And from that, the problem is that there will probably be no outcome, except death.

“We came close to that, when President John F. Kennedy dealt with the Cuba crisis, which was actually threatening a global thermonuclear war. It was already there, and President Kennedy induced the Russian government to pull back. And the great bomb capabilities that Russia had available, were actually being fired off in the vacant land areas in northern Russia. And if that had not happened, if Kennedy’s intervention had not had that effect, we would have experienced something that is tantamount to what is threatening us immediately from the role of the British tool called Obama.

“If Obama is not removed from office very soon, or if an intervention of a relevant kind does not happen instead of that, then the whole planet, all mankind, could be threatened by extermination. And it’s not much different than what happened with Khruschev, what could have happened then.

“But this one is much bigger, and Obama is much worse, in terms of his policies. As a national policy, he’s the worst man on the planet in modern history, because what he threatens to do by his policy track, is the extermination of the human species, whether Obama knows that or not.”

Even as the threats against Russia coming from the mouth of Obama, and now from his cousin Jeb Bush, continue to escalate, saner voices are being raised around the planet to put a brake on this lunacy before it is too late.

In Germany, opposition to the British Empire’s insanity, as expressed in the recent policy intervention of the three leading statesmen–Schmidt, Schroeder and Steinmeier–is growing on various fronts, and related fissures are spreading across Europe.

In the United States, professional military leaders, such as Gen. Ray Odierno, have publicly stated that the breakdown in communications between the U.S. and Russia is alarming, and “definitely increases the danger of miscalculations” that could lead to dangerous escalation towards war. Top missile defense expert and former military adviser Ted Postol has called the threat of American deployment of intermediate range missiles in Europe “militarily stupid [and] could increase the chances of an unexpected accident or miscalculation that lead to nuclear war.”

And from the Russian side, the Putin government continues to warn the U.S. that the mooted possibility of returning intermediate-range missiles to Europe, along with the ongoing BMD deployment, poses an existential threat that Russia cannot accept. Yesterday, Foreign Minister Lavrov warned that “building up militarist rhetoric is absolutely counterproductive and harmful.”

That is why we must remove Obama from office, Lyndon LaRouche again emphasized today. That is the quickest, and only certain way to forestall the danger of thermonuclear war. He is a British agent, who is doing the British Empire’s dirty work, including defending a crumbling financial empire which is in fact the driving force towards war. As for German Chancellor Angela Merkel, “I think she should be removed from her office promptly,” LaRouche stated. “What she’s doing, among other things, is she’s putting Germany in serious jeopardy.”

There is a clear pathway out of this war danger, and towards replacing the British Empire with a new international system coherent with Man’s true character.

“The issue is rather complex, but it’s fun,” LaRouche stated in discussion with colleagues yesterday.

“First of all, if Germany is allowed, by itself, to open up an active economic policy relationship with Russia, then the Russian economy is strengthened; and the German economy is protected, against a collapse, where it goes into the also-ran category of most of the rest of Western Europe. So this is the reality; and the imminent problem is now Merkel. As long as Merkel has any control with her policies over the German economy, the German economy will be soon plunging into the dismal condition of the other parts of Western and Central Europe.”

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