LRC’s Top 10 Articles

1. When the Power Elite Wage War on Americans
This is how it will go down, says Brandon Smith.
2. Want To Carry Guns in Your Vehicle?
Here are some very creative ideas.
3. Who Really Won World War II?
Eric Margolis has the un-PC answer.
4. 10 Rules for Dealing With Cops
Steve Silverman on preparing yourself and others.
5. The Saudi 9/11 Coverup
And the bribe-taking Hillary. Article by Roger Stone.
6. 100 Emergency Items That Will Disappear First
Stock-up, says Tess Pennington.
7. Why Are Conspiracy Theories Demonized?
To keep you ignorant of the real government.
8. Does Putin Have Inside Info on 9/11?
That upsets the official tale. Article by Martin Armstrong.
9. My Hate Mail Count Is Up Again
Still, here’s what to say to veterans, says Laurence M. Vance.
10. The Real Reason Nixon Created the DEA
With a stroke of his evil pen. Article by David Hathaway.

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