Major banks plead guilty to felony charges of currency fraud, but are allowed to continue scam after paying fine – and nobody’s in jail

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‘Several top kingpins behind the global financial collapse of 2008 have reportedly agreed to plead guilty for their sinister crimes, but under one major condition: that they won’t actually be held legally culpable. Five of the world’s largest banks — Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Barclays PLC, the Royal Bank of Scotland and UBS — have all confessed to deliberately manipulating the global foreign exchange markets for illicit gain, but all of them are getting off the hook with petty fines rather than jail time and tangible operations penalties.

The collective sum of these fines clocks in at around $9 billion, a sizable amount in the eyes of the average person. But for the international banking cartel, this is just a drop in the bucket — a proverbial slap on the wrist when a heavy “whoopin’” would have been a far more appropriate penalty. These are the same corrupt banks, of course, that ripped off the public for trillions of dollars by rigging the financial markets and peddling bad loans and fake foreclosure papers.’

Read more: Major banks plead guilty to felony charges of currency fraud, but are allowed to continue scam after paying fine – and nobody’s in jail

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