Obama is Behaving like a ‘Suicide Bomber;’ Dump Him Now Before He Starts Thermonuclear War

By all accounts, President Barack Obama is in a desperate, enraged flight-forward, following last Friday’s devastating defeat on his legacy TPP, led by House Democrats and an energized labor movement. Lyndon LaRouche on Monday described the President’s state of mind of that of a “suicide bomber” who is racing to blow up everything in his sight.

According to sources close to the White House, Obama and top advisers were huddled over the weekend, trying to come up with some ploy to stage a re-vote this week on the Trade Adjustment Assistance program, which was the instrument that House Democrats used to defeat Obama’s precious fast track authority. Now the White House is considering a re-write that would satisfy all Republican anti-labor demands, in the hopes of winning a strictly partisan GOP-only victory in a re-vote.

The real danger lies in the fact that Obama is applying the same deadly state of mind to confrontation with Russia and China, and this is leading the world closer than ever to thermonuclear annihilation. For this reason, Obama must be dumped now, if the world is to safely get through the immediate weeks ahead, without a thermonuclear devastation.

Not only are U.S. troops engaged in maneuvers along the Russian borders in the Baltic Sea and Poland. The report over the weekend that the U.S. will be pre-deploying heavy combat equipment–tanks, armed personnel carriers, fighting vehicles and artillery–to the three Baltic states, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania–is nothing but a pre-meditated tripwire for thermonuclear war. Weeks before the announced plans to pre-position the conventional weapons along the Russian borders, Assistant Secretary of Defense Robert Scher testified that the U.S. was considering re-deploying intermediate-range missiles, armed with nuclear warheads, back into Europe, to counter Russian modernization of its strategic arsenal.

There is a growing public debate on the growing danger of imminent thermonuclear war in Europe and the United States, with a number of articles appearing in media outlets over the past 48 hours. Gen. Lee Butler, former commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, is the latest senior retired military officer to come out warning about the growing danger of thermonuclear war, and calling for renewed channels of dialogue to be opened with the Russian military.

The same warnings are going out against any further U.S. provocations against China around the South China Sea. One particularly devastating exposé of the Obama war provocations against China came in an article last week by former Philippines Senator Kit Tatad, who explicitly named Lyndon LaRouche as one of the key figures warning of thermonuclear holocaust, citing the role of the British and their genocidal population reduction program as key to Obama’s behavior. Increasing coverage throughout Asia warns of a thermonuclear showdown between the U.S. and China.

Sane U.S. military circles are working to revive shuttered military-to-military lines of communication with top Russian and Chinese military officials, but this necessary idea is insufficient, at this late date, to stop a war from erupting. To achieve secure war prevention, Obama must be removed. Period. There can be no more dodging of that question. Obama’s insane, flight-forward state of mind is sufficient reason for invoking the 25th Amendment. With Democrats in a state of active revolt against Obama, the preconditions exist for forcing the issue.

Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized that time is of the essence. The bankruptcy of the entire European banking and financial system–the City of London British System–is on the table, in the negotiations with Greece. Those negotiations have a June 30 deadline that cannot be extended. Greece cannot and will not pay, and this puts the whole trans-Atlantic financial system in a desperate state–right now.

July 10-12 is the BRICS and SCO summits in Ufa, Russia, where dramatic strides forward for the new economic paradigm are to be announced and implemented. Factions in London are desperate to stop that paradigm shift from going forward, and war is their only option. But their greatest weakness is that their ability to provoke war with Russia and China hinges on Obama remaining in power, unhinged. Bring Obama down now by Constitutional means and the British and Wall Street go down as well.

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