Obama Under Far Greater Pressure on ’28 Pages’ with Senate Bill S.1471

Supporters of the movement to declassify the 28 pages of the Congressional Joint Inquiry Report on 9/11 achieved a dramatic breakthrough on Tuesday, June 2, with the Capitol Hill press conference hosted by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), at which he announced the introduction into the U.S. Senate of S.1471, the “Transparency for the Families of 9/11 Victims and Survivors Act of 2015,” to force the declassification of the 28 pages, which strongly implicate Saudi Arabia in the financing of global terror. The event was live-streamed on LaRouchePAC.com, and is now posted in full on larouchepac.com/28pages. A summary video which begins with a forceful statement by Rep. Walter Jones and followed by excerpts of the press conference, is now available, and will be featured at an upcoming conference in New York City this weekend at which activists in the New York area will be called upon to mobilize for this bill.

Special message from Rep. Walter Jones and excerpts from the June 2, 2015 press conference on S. 1471 to declassify the 28 pages.

The Senate bill sponsored by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), is cosponsored by two Democratic Senators, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), thus making the effort to declassify the 28 pages a full-fledged bi-partisan and bi-cameral movement. This fact has greatly moralized the House sponsors of H.Res. 14, the original House Resolution to declassify the 28 pages, and will provide a significant multiplier effect in increasing support on the House side for this issue.

Additionally, Senator Paul’s announcement of his determination to introduce the Senate bill again as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), is a major upshift in the pressure on President Obama to make the secret 28 pages of the Congressional 9/11 report public. The NDAA is a must-pass bill which should be on the Senate floor next week, so Senator Paul’s fight to amend it will provide a high-profile opportunity to put the Senate on record demanding the declassification. Paul’s choice of the NDAA is entirely appropriate and germane, because the fundamental issue of the 28 pages is the actual British-Saudi source of global terrorism, the United States’ adversary in the so-called “War on Terror,” and bears on the role of both the George W. Bush and Obama administrations in covering-up for, and in fact encouraging the creation and growth of that adversary.

The potential NDAA amendment was the focus of Politico‘s front-page coverage of the June 2 press conference; it was also covered on the front page of National Journal and prominently in The Hill, saturating Capitol Hill and forcing this fight to the attention of other lawmakers. Countless other articles and interviews continue to appear around the United States and internationally, including in the UK, Russia, several European countries, the Middle East, and elsewhere.

The surprise announcement that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), a prominent Democratic New York Senator, was cosponsoring the Senate bill, represents a significant strategic shift and escalation. Sen. Gillibrand is very close to Sen. Charles Schumer of New York, likely the next minority leader, who authored the original 2003 letter to President George W. Bush demanding declassification of this part of the Congressional report on 9/11.

Another new element introduced into the debate was former Senator Bob Graham’s revelation at the press conference that there is another report on Saudi Arabia and al-Qaeda, done by the U.S. Treasury, which has also been completely buried for years. Senator Graham, at the podium, dramatically flipped through the pages of that report, all of which were completely blacked out. This fact serves to further substantiate Senator Graham’s assertion that the 28 pages are only emblematic of a pervasive, all-consuming cover-up of the Saudi role in financing 9-11 throughout the agencies of the federal government, which he called “a pattern of withholding information, unnecessarily, and to the detriment of the American people… This is an important issue that goes to the fundamental three words of American democracy—”We the People.” This government is a government of the people. People deserve the respect to know what their government is doing in their name.”

Press conference participants were interviewed at length by numerous television and print media, including London Guardian, Russia’s main TV1 channel and TV International, Sputnik News Service, the Alex Jones Show, on C-SPAN, and by the major Capitol Hill publications. The website 28Pages.org, a national hub for activists on this issue, hosted the LaRouchePAC TV live-stream of the press conference, and published a thorough and effective article summarizing the event, titled Rand’s Next Stand: Declassifying Foreign Government Ties to 9/11.

Join the ever-growing movement to declassify the 28 pages!

SEE “Declassify the 28 Pages”

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