Paul Offit is the George Stephanopoulos of the vaccine industry: refuses to disclose financial ties to industry

‘There’s a reason why many now disparagingly refer to him as “Offit-for-Profit.” Paul Offit, chief of infectious diseases at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, professor of pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania and vocal advocate of all things vaccines, quietly nurtures a cozy financial relationship with a vaccine industry kingpin, discreetly holding a patent on a Merck vaccine for a diarrhea virus as well as an unknown share in the multi-million-dollar royalty stream stemming from the vaccine’s continued use.

Once contending that children can safely receive up to 10,000 vaccines at once, Offit has made quite a name for himself as one of the most aggressive jab-pushers in America today. And why wouldn’t he be, considering that he stands to gain unconscionable amounts of money from forcing as many vaccines as possible on as many children as possible? Offit’s gross conflicts of interest, which he refuses to publicly disclose, make anything he says in support of vaccines deceitful, at best.’

Read more: Paul Offit is the George Stephanopoulos of the vaccine industry: refuses to disclose financial ties to industry

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