Putin Announces Deployment of 40 New ICBMs This Year ‘Capable of Overcoming Any Missile Defense Systems’

In light of growing threats posed by the West’s aggressive anti-Russia military deployment plans, including talk of deploying intermediate-range ballistic missiles on European territory, Moscow is responding sharply and quickly. Russian President Vladimir Putin personally announced that

“This year our nuclear forces will acquire over 40 new ICBMs that will be capable of overcoming any, even the most technically sophisticated, missile defense systems. We did and will pay particular attention to implementing the government’s large-scale armament and defense industry modernization program.”

Speaking at the opening of the Army-2015 international defense industry forum today, Putin also said: “The share of modern types of weapon should increase to 70 percent by 2020, and in some cases to 100 percent… These are really serious figures,” he added, according to Interfax.

Lyndon LaRouche responded to this report of Russia’s capability in newly developed weapons, by noting that Russia does not want war, but has made it clear that they will be prepared if it is unavoidable. With Obama in the White House staging more and more provocations on behalf of the British Empire, LaRouche continued, Russia is being presented with the need to respond instantly, and that will mean the extermination of the human species. The current crisis is usefully compared to the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, where JFK was able to resolve the situation by getting the Soviet Union to desist. But today, LaRouche added, we have Obama in the White House, the leading nut job on the planet, who has embarked on a path that is leading the world to a war beyond most people’s comprehension.

Among the provocations emanating from the Obama White House, is a plan to forward position heavy military equipment in the Baltic states, Poland, Romania and Bulgari. On June 15, Tass reported that Poland’s Defense Minister, Tomasz Siemoniak, told the Rzeczpospolita daily that during his visit to Washington last May, he had had a discussion with US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter on setting up such US military depots on the Polish soil.

“The final decisions have not yet been made, but this should happen quickly,” he said, according to Tass. The Tass report also pointed out Siemoniak saying that “Poland expects that the rotating presence of US forces in the country will later become permanent, adding that Carter has vowed that the US troops could remain in Poland until at least 2016.”

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