Revealed: How Cameron will warn exiting the EU is ‘risky’ as part of ‘firm aim’ to stop Britain voting to leave

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‘David Cameron plans to warn British voters that anything other than remaining in the European Union would be ‘risky’, it emerged today.

Leaked details of the Prime Minister’s talks with other EU leaders reveal he has set himself the ‘firm aim’ of keeping the UK in the EU, in a move likely to infuriate Eurosceptics.

Mr Cameron hoped to use a two-day summit in Brussels to boost support for his reform demands, but has been forced to admit he will not secure treaty change before his planned in-out referendum.

And his pitch to the leaders of 27 other member states was reduced to a 10-minute speech during a marathon dinner dominated by a row over how to deal with migrants flocking to Europe from North Africa.’

Read more: Revealed: How Cameron will warn exiting the EU is ‘risky’ as part of ‘firm aim’ to stop Britain voting to leave

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