Revealed: How EC Commissioner Lord Hill and His Controller David Cameron are Covering Up German Corruption in Greece

Brit EC commissioner blocks Syriza question about murky exporters to Greece.

‘Lord Hill – Juncker’s EC finance bully-boy – was born Jonathan Hopkin Hill. He is a former political lobbyist and PR consultant, and was Special Adviser to Cabinet Minister Kenneth Clarke. That means ‘pro-Europe’ mainstream, and it isn’t in code. That and his lobbying/PR shit background also make him the perfect EU envoy for David Cameron, as he steps up his campaign to join Angela Merkel in her sausage fridge, and go down in history as the man who reformed Europe, ho-ho.

You’ll get some idea of his Lordship’s commercial expertise by reading a little on his background. He was educated at Highgate School – an independent all-boys school in the Highgate area of north London – before going to Trinity College, Cambridge where he read History, graduating with the degree of Master of Arts. Hollywood casting metro-euro-elite-wishfully-unthinking Camerlot twit.

As his boss is Jean-Claude Drunker, JHJ is theoretically in a position to appreciate the Greek dilemma, and how it came about. So you’d think he would lend a sympathetic ear when faced with the mountain of glaring evidence suggesting that German suppliers to Greece played fast and free with brown enevelopes (and submarines that never turned up) during the pre-Papandreou years. ‘

Read more: Revealed: How EC Commissioner Lord Hill and His Controller David Cameron are Covering Up German Corruption in Greece

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