Russian Deputy Prime Minister: GMOs Will Not be Tolerated

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‘Russian President, Vladimir Putin has led a strong stance against biotech and their cultivation of GM crops in his country. Now, the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Arkady Dvorkovich, has announced at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum that Russia WILL NOT use GM crops to boost agricultural production.

Dvorkovich stated that the good quality of the soil across Russia’s land will allow the country to use other technological advances in agriculture, but GMOs won’t be one of them.

“Russia has chosen a different path. We will not use these [GM] technologies,” he said.

Due to Russia refusing GM seed, Russian products will be “one of the cleanest in the world,” according to Dvorkovich.’

Read more: Russian Deputy Prime Minister: GMOs Will Not be Tolerated

The post Russian Deputy Prime Minister: GMOs Will Not be Tolerated appeared first on David Icke.

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