Sheldon Adelson: Palestinians are made-up nation that exists only to destroy Israel

‘Billionaire casino mogul and conservative donor Sheldon Adelson said Sunday that the Palestinians are a made-up nation which exists solely to attempt to destroy Israel.

“The purpose of the existence of Palestinians is to destroy Israel,” Adelson said Sunday at the close of the first conference of the Israeli-American Council, a Los Angeles-based group aimed at serving Israeli Americans and supporting Israel. “Palestinian narrative created the Palestinian narrative.”

At the conference, which also featured top Democratic funder Haim Saban, Adelson also said Israel would not be able to survive as a democracy: “So Israel won’t be a democratic state, so what?” he asked Saban, adding that democracy, after all, is not mentioned in the Torah, and recommended that the country build a “big wall” to protect itself, saying, “I would put up a big wall around my property.”’

Read more: Sheldon Adelson: Palestinians are made-up nation that exists only to destroy Israel

The History of Palestine

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