Single-Sex Schools In Legal Limbo

Single-sex high schools are already finding themselves in legal and ethical limbo as LGBT activists promote transgenderism as normal and healthy.

Colleges and universities like women’s schools Barnard, Smith, Wellesley, Bryn Mawr, Scripps and Mount Holyoke revised their admissions polices in the last two years to accept students who identify as females. However, the situation is still fluid among private all-girls’ schools at the high school level.

In January 2013, the National Coalition of Girls Schools formed a Transgender Study Task Force to research the issue and later released a position paper outlining where the coalition stood on all-girls secondary school education, and the admission of transgender students as well as current students who are looking to transition.

Ultimately, the NCGS simply recommended that schools work with students and families on a “case by case basis.” The Daily Caller learned through one education source that all-girl secondary schools have been preparing for this time for several years.

“There’s the physiological boy who identifies as a girl that wants to come to an all girls school. There’s a physiological girl who identifies as a boy that wants to come to an all girls school. And then there is someone that enrolls in an all-girls school that wants to transition once they are here,” the source said.

Phillips Exeter Academy, a co-ed boarding school in New Hampshire, already graduated a student in the mid-1990s who entered as a female and left identifying as a male.

“I think [girls’ schools] have always been dealing with [the issue]. And it’s always been in a legal realm. I think now it’s moving into the health and welfare [area] for girls’ schools and boys’ schools. It’s less boys’ schools, mostly because I think girls schools are safe spaces,” the source added, noting that the biggest difference between the circumstances with the women’s colleges and secondary schools is that the latter’s students are minors.

Bruce Jenner’s much publicized transition to Caitlyn Jenner triggered limited reaction from Capitol Hill, and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee joked to attendees at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention back in February, “Now I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers in PE,” Huckabee said.

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