Starbucks’ new Frappuccino contains 400% recommended daily limit of sugar

‘When someone downs a Starbucks venti frappuccino, it’s probably not the caffeine keeping them addicted, antsy, and wide-eyed. Instead, they are hyper and jumping all over the place because they just downed about 30 cubes of sugar! That’s how much sugar is in the new Starbucks Cinnamon Roll venti frappucccino.

Starbucks recently announced the arrival of six new fraps, and the amount of refined sugar in each cup of espresso is through the roof. In fact, the Cinnamon Roll flavored frap contains 400 percent the recommended daily limit of sugar — an amount that would make any dietician shudder.’

Read more: Starbucks' new Frappuccino contains 400% recommended daily limit of sugar

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