Strengthen Your Concealed-Carry Defense
Shooting drills are a pistol instructors’ greatest ally. Often undervalued, these simple exercises strengthen students understanding of concealed carry concepts as well as basic shooting principles.
Over the course of teaching concealed carry and pistol classes, I’ve tested out my fair share of drills. While some fell short of expectations, six drills in particular always make their way into my curriculum. When conducting these exercises, observe all gun safety rules.
1. Grip: Water Bottle drill
Though we teach grip in introductory courses, it is the one area I see consistently overlooked. As it is the one aspect of shooting we can consistently control, it’s imperative that those that intend to concealed carry are able to achieve a consistent grip on their pistols. The Water Bottle drill is a dry fire activity designed to show flaws in grip before hitting the range or the streets.
One student should face a target at roughly 3 yards with firearm presented and ready to dry fire. As the student dry fires, I intermittently use an empty water bottle to lightly tap the bottom of the fire i.e. under the slide immediately after the trigger is pulled (see image). Not only does this work to simulate recoil, but it also takes students by surprise. This is the best time to analyze grip.
A firm grip will produce little movement when the pistol is struck. If the firearm bounces around in the students’ hand, then feedback should be given and their grip tweaked until no movement occurs.
2. Trigger control: Balancing Act
Jerking the trigger causes shots to land outside of the intended target. When concealed carrying, we always want our shots to land on target so as not to hit innocent bystanders so it’s imperative that we train and we teach good trigger control. My favorite drill to demonstrate proper trigger control is called The Balancing Act.
I prefer to first demonstrate this technique prior to turning it over to the students to practice. For this exercises, an unloaded pistol is required. Ensure all weapons are clear and verified by another student.
Get into preferred shooting position. Next, place a snap cap or coin (quarters work best) on the slide towards the nose of the gun. Pull the trigger. If the snap cap or coin is still resting on top of the handgun, then a straight and fluid pull was achieved. If the coin or cap tumbles to the floor, well then it’s time to work on eliminating the jerk.
3. Accuracy: Natural Aiming Area
Again, like trigger control, accuracy is imperative when concealed carrying. We don’t want to hurt innocent people so we must stay on target when we draw and fire. The preferred drill for improving accuracy is the “Natural Aiming Area” exercise.
When conducting this one in class, I prefer to have laser trainers ready for student use. These give instant feedback and I find students respond well to them. If laser trainers can’t be used, have students dry fire with their handguns. Before dry firing, ensure the firearm is clear and empty.
Students should face a target 3-5 yards away. For this drill the perfect target is usually a light switch or doorknob. The student should present the gun and then close his or her eyes. Have the student draw a figure eight with the gun. When using a laser system, have the student pull the trigger and then open their eyes. Evaluate where the laser landed in relation to the target. When dry firing, students may still pull the trigger but should focus on where their sights are aligned and where the firearm is pointed.
This is not about precision, but about accuracy. If the student is lined up on the doorknob or light switch then no need to alter anything; however, if the student is off target, adjust stance and grip until the exercise can be accomplished correctly.
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