The book burning begins: Movies, book covers and computer games being banished… calls for taking down the American flag, bulldozing Southern memorials, removing flags from children’s toys and more


‘America’s descent into a totalitarian regime of hysterical thought police is nearly complete. In just the last 72 hours, total P.C. insanity has swept the nation and all its big retailers as howling leftist maniacs have used the label “tolerance” to initiate what can only be called a modern-day book burning and Orwellian censorship of artistic expression:

• A leftist movie critic and member of the new thought police regime has called for banning the movie Gone With the Wind, stating in pure P.C. babbledygook: “The more subtle racism of ‘Gone with the Wind’ is in some ways more insidious, going to great lengths to enshrine the myth that the Civil War wasn’t fought over slavery — an institution the film unabashedly romanticizes.”‘

Read more: The book burning begins: Movies, book covers and computer games being banished… calls for taking down the American flag, bulldozing Southern memorials, removing flags from children’s toys and more

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