The Catholic Church Pornography Scandal

‘The Catholic Church pornography scandal has hit, with evidence coming to light that the Vatican is making some considerable profits investing in companies which sell porn. The Austrian publishing company Beltwild (wholly owned by the Vatican) sells a range of 2,500 pornographic titles from which the Catholic Church handsomely profits. When questioned about this Catholic Church pornography issue, the PR department at the Vatican adopted three defensive positions.

The first was to claim that it wasn’t making that much money from it – around $391,000 in 2011 according to this source. However, for many people this is a huge amount of money, equivalent to their life savings and enough to buy a house. Besides, what does the amount of money have to do with the principle of the matter? That fact is that the Vatican makes a big deal of disapproving pornography. So why is it making any money at all from it? Why is it condoning and supporting it? Money talks, principles walk.’

Read more: The Catholic Church Pornography Scandal

The post The Catholic Church Pornography Scandal appeared first on David Icke.

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