The Politics of Anti-Austerity: The Spanish Elections and Participatory Democracy

‘The anti-austerity movement received another shot in the arm towards the end of May, with local elections in Spain following the Greek tune set by Syriza. The notable casualties of the night were the ruling Popular Party (PP) and the socialist PSOE, necessitating the construction of previously unseen coalitions. In an even more significant way, the gauntlet is being laid down towards traditionalists insistent on following the belt tightening approach that is strangling growth and encouraging continent-wide estrangement.

It is worth recalling what the night of regional elections heralded. Madrid and Barcelona fell to two individuals one could hardly have called political regulars. They were, in fact, bolts from the blue. Former communist and court judge Manuela Carmena nabbed Madrid, while Barcelona found a new mayoral contender in Ada Colau. While neither are formerly mayors as yet, with some wrangling to take place on the forming of power, the political scene has been more than just flipped.’

Read more: The Politics of Anti-Austerity: The Spanish Elections and Participatory Democracy

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