Upgraded Predator Drones to Fly European Skies by 2019


‘General Atomics is upgrading their Predator B drone, known as the MQ-9 Reaper in the US, so that it is able to fly as high as 50,000 feet for more than 40 hours at a time.

The new capabilities will come thanks to upgrades such as a 79-foot wingspan which will make the drone more fuel efficient. It will also be modified to be compliant with European regulations, and will able to be quickly certified for use, with features such as lightening protection, different composite materials, and sense and avoid technology.

“Frankly, Europe is ahead of the development of that,” Christopher Ames, director of international strategic development for General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. told DoDBuzz. “The FAA hasn’t really come out with something like this yet, but they’ll be beneficiaries by looking across the Atlantic.”’

Read more: Upgraded Predator Drones to Fly European Skies by 2019

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