US Double Standards on UNHRC treatment: Sri Lanka & Israel


‘Sri Lanka and Israel have been both accused of violating international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (IHRL) at UN Human Rights Commission in Geneva, but in dealing with these two nations the United States has taken two contradictory positions: the US has supported the Israeli decision to boycott the UNHRC sessions that discuss Israeli violations while the US was critical of the previous Rajapaksa regime’s decision to maintain a distance from the Geneva process.

Israel refused entry to a UNHRC official for investigation of alleged violations in the Gaza Strip during its battle with Hamas.

In fact, the US sponsored three resolutions critical the manner in which Sri Lanka handled the final stages of the military battle against the secessionist Tamil Tigers bringing accountability and transparency into the debate and deliberations.’

Read more: US Double Standards on UNHRC treatment: Sri Lanka & Israel

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