Volunteers Threatened with Arrest for Cleaning Up Oil Spill, They Ignored the Cops and Kept Cleaning

‘For the past several weeks, the Gaviota Coast in California has seen its delicate ecosystem destroyed by an oil spill that poured roughly 100,000 gallons of oil into the ocean. To make matters worse, the volunteers who spontaneously appeared to help clean up the oil, were threatened with arrest by police for tampering with the scene and apparently putting themselves in danger.

The volunteers were the first people on the scene to help, long before the government agents who were hired arrived.

“I was there for about an hour, and we filled 50 five-gallon buckets. Sadly, I must say, there is no way we removed one percent of that spill,” volunteer Ethan Turpin told the Independent.

According to witnesses, the officers had complained that the volunteers did not have safety equipment that was up to code, and they were not cleaning up the spill according to government guidelines. All the while, government or corporate clean-up crews had still not shown up.’

Read more: Volunteers Threatened with Arrest for Cleaning Up Oil Spill, They Ignored the Cops and Kept Cleaning

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