Why Israel Declared 18 Dairy Cows a National Security Risk


‘Cows are many things, but rarely have they been deemed a threat to national security. That’s exactly what happened to a group of 18 cows in a West Bank town in 1987.

It was during the first Intifada, when residents of Beit Sahour, near Bethlehem, wanted to boycott Israeli products. They bought 18 cows from an Israeli kibbutznik to create their own source of milk. It was both an act of civil disobedience and a small step toward independence. ”They felt that they can’t decide their future unless they can control their economy and the basic foods,” says Amer Shomali, a Palestinian artist and co-director of “The Wanted 18″, a title that refers to the cows. Shomali’s family is from Beit Sahour and he first learned about the cows in a comic book that circulated in his refugee camp in Syria in the early 1990s.’

Read more: Why Israel Declared 18 Dairy Cows a National Security Risk

The post Why Israel Declared 18 Dairy Cows a National Security Risk appeared first on David Icke.

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