‘Will Italy Join BRICS?’ Movisol Editorial Goes Viral

This question, posed in an editorial by Liliana Gorini, chairwoman of Movisol, LaRouche’s movement in Italy, has been picked up in the last four days by five Italian blogs and one online daily, Imola Oggi, which reprinted the editorial in full under the headline “Putin Offers Italy a Way Out Of the Economic Crisis: Cooperation with BRICS.” The editorial refers to the joint press conference by visiting Russian President Vladimir Putin and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi last week at the Milan EXPO, where Putin said that Italy lost EU1 billion because of the sanctions policy against Russia, and that there are “other formats” than the G7, “a club we do not belong to, for example BRICS.”

The editorial proposes that both Greece and Italy leave the euro and join the BRICS instead, particularly since the Europe of the Troika has shown its true, inhuman face in closing the borders to Italy, starting with France, in order not to let any refugee in, and leaving Italy and Greece alone to face the emergency. So much for “egalitè et fraternité” and so much for Schiller’s “alle Menschen werden Brüder.”

The mood of the Italian population towards this Europe of the banks and of genocide is indicated by the fact that, for the first time since the new Movisol website started, the editorial on joining the BRICS has been viewed on Facebook by almost 60,000 people, shared by 1,000, and 20,000 on the website; and reprinted by five blogs and one daily.

A reader also wrote to one of the best known Italian talk shows on TV La7, “La Gabbia,” asking them to talk about the BRICS and its New Development Bank in their show. 

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