An Interview with Jeff Berwick on The Shemitah September Crisis

Our “SHEMITAH EXPOSED: Financial Crisis Planned for September” video has begun to go viral… and for good reason I think!  If you haven’t seen it yet and want to see what everyone is talking about and understand my reason for making a call for a fall crisis then you should see it first.

For those who have seen the video there are a lot of questions being sent in.  Most of the answers come out to our subscribers via the TDV newsletter (you can subscribe here).  In fact, I’ve been telling subscribers about this for the last year but only recently began telling the whole world about it now as we are getting very close now to a potentially disastrous fall crisis.

I have also been doing countless interviews over the last week on it which may give you further information on what I have found and what I see coming.

The latest was with Free Your Mind.  Aside from talking further on the Shemitah we got into other favorite topics of mine including how governments are an unnecessary evil, how the drug war was one of the most heinous anti-freedom wars in history, how banking is dying, bitcoin, precious metals and much more.

You can view it here.


If you prefer to listen as a podcast you can sign-up to The Dollar Vigilante’s iTunes podcast link here.

Originally Appeared At The Dollar Vigilante

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