1. Sen. Tokyo Rose (R-AZ) |
Ron Unz on the real wartime record of John McCain. |
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2. The Disastrous Secession From Great Britain |
Don’t celebrate it, says Gary North. |
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3. Was 1861 a Civil War? |
Was the cause slavery? Time for truth, says Walter Williams. |
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4. John McCain Is No Hero |
His stunt almost sank an aircraft carrier, and caused injury and death to hundreds, says J. H. Holtz. |
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5. The Secret War of Mrs. Lenin |
Andrew P. Napolitano on Killery. |
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6. The US War on Your Passport |
Daniel McAdams on the latest congressional crimes. |
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7. First, They Came for the Bar Owners… |
William Norman Grigg on totalitarian tolerance. |
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8. Will the Feds Curtail Your Right To Travel? |
Mark Nestmann on how congress plans to lock you in. |
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9. Greece Has Fallen Victim |
To the economic hit men. |
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10. Federal Park Rangers Don’t Want You To Know |
Thousands of people have gone missing, in bizarre, unexplainable circumstances. Article by Joshua Krause. |
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