Anti-Statism Rocks

1. Sen. Tokyo Rose (R-AZ)
Ron Unz on the real wartime record of John McCain.
2. The Disastrous Secession From Great Britain
Don’t celebrate it, says Gary North.
3. Was 1861 a Civil War?
Was the cause slavery? Time for truth, says Walter Williams.
4. John McCain Is No Hero
His stunt almost sank an aircraft carrier, and caused injury and death to hundreds, says J. H. Holtz.
5. The Secret War of Mrs. Lenin
Andrew P. Napolitano on Killery.
6. The US War on Your Passport
Daniel McAdams on the latest congressional crimes.
7. First, They Came for the Bar Owners…
William Norman Grigg on totalitarian tolerance.
8. Will the Feds Curtail Your Right To Travel?
Mark Nestmann on how congress plans to lock you in.
9. Greece Has Fallen Victim
To the economic hit men.
10. Federal Park Rangers Don’t Want You To Know
Thousands of people have gone missing, in bizarre, unexplainable circumstances. Article by Joshua Krause.

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