Are You a Narcissist?

Narcissism has always existed, but in the 21st century, the number of people with the trait have swollen immeasurably.

Thanks to camera phones, reality TV and social media, it has never been more acceptable to be a narcissist – someone who is overly self-involved, vain and selfish.

Kim Kardashian is so comfortable with the term that she has released a book composed solely of her own selfies and just this week it was revealed that young people are now drinking less alcohol so that they can look good in pictures on social media.

While narcissism can foster some good attributes, like strong self-esteem, emotional stability and the tendency to emerge as a leader, these are often outweighed by the pitfalls.

People with the trait tend to be manipulative, self-absorbed, aggressive and arrogant.

These behaviours can make it difficult for them to have long term relationships and meaningful friendships, it also can make it more likely for them to indulge in unethical practices.

But while many people could identify with some characteristics of a narcissist, like getting upset when criticised or the tendency to show off when in a crowd, are your tendencies bordering on the problematic?

A new book by Dr Craig Malkin – a Harvard-trained psychologist – has produced a test to determine the scale of your narcissism and whether it is something to be concerned about. 

Read on to take the test and decide how much of a narcissist you are… 


On a scale of 1 to 5, indicate how much you agree or disagree with each item, using the guide below

1 – strongly disagree

2 – disagree

3 – neutral

4 – agree

5 – strongly agree

1. I know there’s something special about me

2. I’m great at a lot of things compared to most people

3. I secretly believe I’m better than most people

4. I press on even in challenging tasks

5. Obstacles rarely slow me down

6. I’m self-confident, but caring

7. I feel uneasy when I’m the focus of attention

8. I find it hard to enjoy compliments

9. I don’t like to talk about myself

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