Benghazi Committee Has Deal with State Dept. for Significant Document Production

A July 27 press release by the House Select Committee on Benghazi announced that Chairman Trey Gowdy had received a pledge from the State Department to produce 5,000 new pages of documents to the Committee without delay.

American statesman Lyndon LaRouche has emphasized that the facts around Benghazi are crucial to stopping the danger of world war, by removing Obama from the White House, and thus removing his finger from the nuclear button. LaRouche stated that although Hillary Clinton remains a captive pawn of Obama, she could reverse that by coming clean on Benghazi. Obama made the decisions about Benghazi, lied about his decisions, then ordered Hillary to lie as well. Thus, these documents and others must be produced. The Benghazi investigation will be live during the Congressional recess, as things now stand.

The State Department’s production of 5,000 new pages will be the largest number of documents the Committee has received since last summer, Chairman Trey Gowdy said. Gowdy elaborated, “When I had a frank conversaton with Mr. Finer [of State] last week about the Department’s compliance failures, he requested I move the hearing scheduled July 27 due to his ongoing responsibilities to the Secretary this week.” Gowdy then said, according to the press release, that he made the request for a significant production of documents, and when agreed to, the hearing scheduled this week was postponed by agreement of both parties.

Rep. Gowdy stated in the release, “If the State Department does not fulfill this production, or if production continues to be anemic and underwhelming, we will move forward with scheduling a compliance hearing before the Committee.”

The documents were to be delivered by the State Department on Tuesday. Gowdy’s office, and press secretary Jamal Ware, would not give information on whether the 5,000 pages were received, and if so, whether they were judged to be substantive.

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