Britain must stay in EU ‘to make world more prosperous’, says glove puppet Obama

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‘Barack Obama has warned that Britain will lose influence if it leaves the European Union.

In an interview with the BBC broadcast on Thursday night, the US president said the EU “made the world safer and more prosperous” and confirmed Washington’s longstanding view that Britain should remain a member.

Rather than avoiding taking a stance on the issue, which will be the subject of a referendum in Britain – probably next year, he said: “Having the UK in the EU gives us much greater confidence about the strength of the transatlantic union, and is part of the cornerstone of the institutions built after [the second world war]that has made the world safer and more prosperous. We want to make sure that the United Kingdom continues to have that influence.”’

Read more: Britain must stay in EU ‘to make world more prosperous’, says glove puppet Obama

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