Brits Openly Trying To Topple Greeks

Jeremy Warner, the assistant editor of the British Daily Telegraph, lets it all hang out in a foaming-at-the-mouth article on July 3:

“There can be no possibility of another bailout as long as the buffoons that pass for a government in Greece remain in power…. Many of Syriza’s supporters believe that the hated Troika is out to overthrow a legitimately elected administration. Shocking, and also true. That’s exactly what this is about — but why should it come as a surprise? International creditors need a government they can deal with, not a bunch of fantasists. If it is delusion the Greeks opt for, good luck to them — but they cannot do it while in a rules-based monetary union.”

Warner concluded by demanding that the EU get on with “installing a government with the stomach for painful reform, fiscal retrenchment and monetary discipline.”

A senior fellow at the Peterson Institute, Jacob Funk Kirkegaard, makes the same point, albeit more politely, but also adds in the strategic dimension. According to a report in Sputnik, the Peterson economist said: “For the Greek banks to reopen, a new government is likely to be required,” and noted that Washington and Brussels are angry at the Greek government’s “leftist anti-austerity rhetoric” and its rapprochement with Russia.

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