Child Abuse Survivor And Whistleblower Melanie Shaw Arrested Again

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‘The intimidation recently led to Melanie leaving her house in Nottingham and travelling to Plymouth where she hoped to find refuge from the harassing actions of Nottingham police.

UKColumn was informed by child abuse survivor Mickey Summers early this evening that Melanie Shaw was arrested today 22 July 2015 at about 1745, in a public place in Nottingham. It is alleged that the arrest of Melanie was in connection with a charge of harassment concerning Nottingham Police Superintendent Helen Chamberlain, police Head of Public Protection, including Child Abuse.

It is understood that Superintendent Chamberlain was originally allocated as Melanie Shaw’s police point of contact following Melanie’s whistleblowing on abuse of children at Beechwood children’s home Nottingham, and during the subsequent police investigation under Operation Day Break.’

Read more: Child Abuse Survivor And Whistleblower Melanie Shaw Arrested Again

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