CNN to broadcast corporate propaganda as news? – CNN is now allowing corporations to pay the network to produce slick PR pieces about them, disguised to look like news content


‘In a 1958 speech to the Radio and Television News Directors Association, veteran CBS journalist Edward R. Murrow told a roomful of TV executives, “We are currently wealthy, fat, comfortable and complacent.” The anchorman, who used his position to take on powerful politicians such as former Wisconsin Sen. Joseph McCarthy and issues such as segregation, cautioned that the new medium was being used to “distract, delude, amuse and insulate” the public.

Almost 60 years later, Murrow’s warning has gone unheeded by the corporate broadcast media. On June 8, CNN unveiled “Courageous,” a new production unit and an in-house studio that would be paid by advertisers to produce and broadcast news-like “branded content.”’

Read more: CNN to broadcast corporate propaganda as news? – CNN is now allowing corporations to pay the network to produce slick PR pieces about them, disguised to look like news content

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