Colorado City Stops Water Fluoridation Following Concerning Study


‘Snowmass, a skier’s paradise tucked into the Colorado Mountains, and part of Aspen, has decided to stop fluoridating its water. The news comes just after the latest groundbreaking study on water fluoridation concluded that there was zero relationship between water fluoridation and cavity prevention.

As Anthony Gucciardi shared with you on July 1st, the study incorporated years of research into a serious conclusion that could help activists remove fluoride from the water worldwide.

The sanitation district board members at Snowmass decided that ‘it wasn’t in the business of medicating’ its citizens, shortly after the federal government revised its recommendations regarding public-water fluoridation to lower the allowable levels. They recently voted to discontinue fluoridating the unincorporated city’s water even though a prominent member of the board was a dentist who did not vote in favor of halting the practice.’

Read more: Colorado City Stops Water Fluoridation Following Concerning Study

The post Colorado City Stops Water Fluoridation Following Concerning Study appeared first on David Icke.

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