Doctors Protest Big Pharma’s Out-of Control-Greed Which Is Bankrupting Ill Patients

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‘Americans diagnosed with cancer are at risk of losing their life savings because cancer drug costs are escalating almost as fast as the worst forms of the disease, according to a Mayo Clinic medical journal article decrying these costs signed by scores of nationally known oncologists.

“In the United States, the average price of new cancer drugs increased 5- to 10-fold over 15 years, to more than $100,000 per year in 2012,” the article says. “The cost of drugs for each additional year lived (after adjusting for inflation) has increased from $54,000 in 1995 to $207,000 in 2013. This increase is causing harm to patients with cancer and their families.”’

Read more: Doctors Protest Big Pharma’s Out-of Control-Greed Which Is Bankrupting Ill Patients

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