Fabrication in BBC Panorama ‘Saving Syria’s Children’: Substitution of ‘Napalm Bomb’ Footage

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‘The below admission from the BBC that its substitution of Syria footage between two 2014 broadcasts breaches its own Editorial Guidelines on accuracy is a modest victory in the battle to attract scrutiny to the wider charges that one of the reports in question (at least) was largely, if not entirely, fabricated.

For almost two years I have pursued the question of whether scenes of the aftermath of an alleged incendiary attack on an Aleppo school – filmed by BBC staff and first broadcast as UK legislators voted on military intervention in Syria – were staged for the purposes of propaganda.’

Read more: Fabrication in BBC Panorama ‘Saving Syria’s Children’: Substitution of ‘Napalm Bomb’ Footage

The post Fabrication in BBC Panorama ‘Saving Syria’s Children’: Substitution of ‘Napalm Bomb’ Footage appeared first on David Icke.

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