Finally Wake Up!

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was brutalized today in his meeting with Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, and European Council President Donald Tusk of Poland. He was told either that he had to become a ward of the EU, and immediately legislate genocidal “reforms,” letter-for-letter as dictated to him,— or else he would be thrown out of the euro zone and watch all his banks collapse. The Guardian wrote that a top EU official said that Tsipras was subjected to “extensive mental waterboarding.”

Face it: the Eurozone may not be there when you get up in the morning,— if not this morning, then any morning this week. And Wall Street will go with it, likely immediately. The entire speculative financial system of the United States and everyone else, is doomed to very early collapse; this wildly over-inflated bubble is just waiting for the pinprick,— and the blowout of the Eurozone is much bigger than a pinprick. Wall Street will be wiped out in the United States just as well as in Europe. But we can regain control by bringing the speculators and their masters in London to their knees with Glass-Steagall; the Presidency of the U.S. will do it.

This is what the four U.S. senators realized, and why they reintroduced Glass-Steagall last week,— not as a pro-forma action, but as the one act capable of averting imminent disaster, and creating the possibility of a way forward. Wall Street is finished; now it’s time to return to the Presidency created by our Constitution, and get rid of Wall Street and what it portends. They’re hopelessly bankrupt,— what would you want to invest in them for?

You must organize your friends, colleagues, and anyone else who can understand this, to widely and rapidly extend the motion from the four U.S. Senators (and the 60 House cosponsors), all the way to successful passage and implementation. There must be unified national attention to this mission, with all points moving forward at the same time, rather than some points some of the time. Only our movement can do this, and bring the world back from the brink of the abyss. But when people say, “Be practical,” their brains are dead. Merely nominal commitment, merely nominal membership, entitles no one to drag their feet,— still less to make YOU drag YOUR feet. Anyone who hangs back is simply doing it out of stupidity. Instead, they should face their stupidity and overcome it. They should understand that they’re not living up the the standard required of a human being. Never kiss their ass and ask THEM to recruit YOU.

Some are doing the work, but they won’t force others out of their own stupidity. Even with all the good work they’re doing, they won’t confront the stupidity which has become the law of the land, especially since the death of Franklin Roosevelt. What is Wall Street, after all, but the conquering banner of all this stupidity and degeneracy?

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