Former Halliburton Subsidiary is Suing Sick Military Veterans they Poisoned


‘Halliburton, the transnational oil field services company formerly run by former Vice President and accused war criminal Dick Cheney, is under public scrutiny again after it was revealed its former subsidiary is suing Iraq War veterans for $850,000.

Cheney self-approved major bids for his former company and its subsidiaries, which received massive government contracts in Iraq—funded by the American taxpayer—totaling over $39.5 billion. The U.S. war in Iraq has caused the loss of an estimated 1 million lives and Halliburton profited in the billions from contracts that facilitated the bloodshed. One of the lesser known repercussions from the war was the toxic nature of oil work and waste disposal that resulted in the poisoning of untold numbers of American soldiers and Iraqis alike.’

Read more: Former Halliburton Subsidiary is Suing Sick Military Veterans they Poisoned

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