Government thugs arrest, strip-search innocent parents because son played basketball in backyard for 90 minutes

Basketball-Grass-Outside (1)


‘On a spring day in April of 2015, a Florida couple was making their way home. On this day, they were running 90 minutes behind schedule. They got stuck in traffic and weren’t able to make it home in time to let their 11-year-old son in the house. Their son didn’t have a key, so he played basketball in the backyard and waited for his parents to get home.

A curious neighbor got nosy and suspicious seeing the boy at home alone, locked outside. The neighbor didn’t check on the child or use any common sense at all; instead, the neighbor contacted authorities to make the unsubstantiated claim that a child was being neglected. Police arrived at the house shortly thereafter.’

Read more: Government thugs arrest, strip-search innocent parents because son played basketball in backyard for 90 minutes

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